Drill Culinary Water Well
Valued Customers,
You may have smelled or tasted chlorine in your water. We have been working on a filtration system for our 2nd well since 2017. The project is to the point that we can use this water and we are trying to regulate the chlorine that is necessary to keep our water clean, healthy and pleasing to drink. Any issues that you may have experienced have been completely aesthetic, there have been no health risks of any kind related to the change is water sources. Please be patient with us as we try to get a good balance so the smell and taste are back to the standards you expect. These changes may be on-going for the next few months, so we would like to ask for your help by providing feedback on the taste and smell of your water at info@hooperwater.net, or 801-985-1991. We would also like insure you that your water has been, is, and will continue to be perfectly safe to drink, wash with and use as normal.
Thank you,
Hooper Water Improvement District
Attached below is New Release from the Sate of Utah’s Department of Environmental Quality addressing Drinking Water Protections Against COVID-19. Due to ongoing concerns from the COVID-19 Virus and in an effort to limit exposure for our customers and employees, we would please ask our customers to: Please utilize Hooper Water Improvement District for online payments and new service requests. Please conduct any other business via email at info@hooperwater.net or by phone at 801-985-1991 .
Additional COVID-19 Links